The origin of the name Delphinium appears to be Greek, either named after Ajax, Apollo or dolphins, depending on which source you use. A stunning cottage garden plant in the witch’s garden for its color and vertical height, it also figures in the folklore of various eras. It’s believed to aid with vision and divination, perhaps from a association with the Oracle at Delphi. Over time those beliefs took on a more practical application, eyesight. In the British Isles, it was believed that viewing the midsummer’s bonfire through a Delphinium would cure eye affliction.
Delphiniums can be hard to grow here, as we have hot, dry summers and they prefer, like myself, cool and moist ones. But the lay loves them, and I love her so once more they find their way into the Witch’s Garden.
On a more lethal note, Delphinium plants and seeds If ingested, can cause nausea, twitching muscles, paralysis, and frequently, death.
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