This is my first year for growing Datura. Around here it’s known as Jimson Weed, though I believe what they call that here is a different animal altogether.
It’s one of the staples of a witch’s garden, used for poisoning as well as inducing delirious states in whoever takes it. Intentionally or simply because they made the wrong person angry.
The blooms only last one evening and into the next morning, and it’s a quiet adventure to watch them unfold. It’s not a slow, steady process. Instead they seem to push themselves open in spurts. If you sit very still and watch, you’ll see the stem begin to bounce, and the bloom will open just a tiny bit more, until the latter stages of the game, when it suddenly bursts out.
At first it would be one or two blooms, but within a week the entire plant was laden with blooms. The scent is strong and quite lovely, if one considers it is literally, the smell of death.

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