There’s a buried treasure in the front lawn which I’m slowly digging up. It’s a brick sidewalk, lain God only knows when, which has over time been covered over by dirt and grass. It used to stretch the length of the block and I’m sure in most cases it’s still there. I remember it as a kid, particularly how in places it had buckled as roots grew beneath.
There was a time when sidewalks like these were how we got around town. Most of them were replaced with concrete decades ago, which doesn’t have the same charm. I’m under no illusions that if I dig up the sidewalk, people will use it. In fact, nobody comes up our front sidewalk at all, except us.
We’d love to add a wrought iron fence, but till the there’s a row of black tulips to greet the spring. It properly screams “Addams Family,” which is a nice touch.
Like most black blooms, black Tulips are actually a dark red, almost purple. But these comes as close to black as almost any bloom I’ve seen. Certainly darker than the black Hollyhocks.
The gardener is fond of her colors, though I tend to stick mainly with purple myself, if I’m going to vary from black for a purely decorative plant. This is her house too, her garden and to be honest, when I see a pink in the garden I smile. That’s her touch.
As for me, I’ll stick with my blacks. Lest you think she’s all rainbows and unicorns however, the black Roses are on order at her insistence.
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