Proctor’s Ledge, thought to be the location of the gallows in Salem, by history travel photographer/writer Todd Atteberry, for the History Trekker
Salem, Massachusetts: The Historical Record and a Salem Travelogue
Salem is a town riddled with cliche, hoary with history and a fascinating place to spend some time. This piece from the Gothic Cabinet of Curiosity and Mysteries travels to New England in search of the timeless quality, when witches were thought to roam the landscape.
Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne
By Nathaniel Hawthorne The great-great-grandson of the only judge in Salem’s witch trials who never publicly regretted his role, Nathaniel Hawthorne spent much of his life dealing with his family’s past through his writing. Whilst The Scarlet Letter and The House of Seven Gables get all the notoriety, perhaps none of his works deal as […]