The Tri-State Tornado of 1925 spent most of its duration along country roads. A look at how rural communities were torn apart.
The Haunted Fiddle: Travels in Donegal looking for ghost stories buried in the Irish fiddle tradition
The tradition of Donegal fiddle is populated with giants, including the hidden ones who kept the tradition alive at any given time over the past century or so. At the turn of the last millennium, it could be argued that the patriarchs of Donegal fiddle were the Campbell brothers, Jimmy and Vincent. They related to […]
Ballygally Castle Hotel: The knock at the door isn’t room service, and a last dash across northern Ireland to home
It’s been almost 25 years since I visited the haunted Ballygally Castle Hotel, in Ballygally, Northern Ireland. Often named when listing the most haunted sites in the north, and occasionally at the top of the list, I can vouch for that I think. I experienced the most reported aspect of the haunting, though it had […]
Looking for the history of witches in Southern Illinois in the folklore of those who feared them
I first approached researching Southern Illinois witches the way I would any subject … by getting to know the people. Where I made my mistake was trying to focus on the witches. A mistake, but because the witches were lost in the world of folklore. Who defined a witch here, as in most places, was […]
Ghost Hunters Wanted: Looking for a creative investigation of a haunting stretching back sixty years … home sweet home!
I’ve travelled to different states and different countries in search of the paranormal. I’m not a ghost hunter, or a paranormal researcher. I’m a photographer and a storyteller. That’s an appropriate combination because when it comes to making people believe in the paranormal, nothing beats seeing it, or even a good story, well told. I’ve […]
A Review: Phil Rickman’s “Crown of Lights”, from the Merrily Watkins series delivers horror and prophecy
I got started on the Merrily Watkins series back about 2006, when I had an hour’s drive each day. The first book in the series, The Wine of Angels had me hooked almost instantly. I listened to it on both legs of the daily drive and when the day was done, it had hit on […]