MARK TWAIN SAID IT BEST … “sometimes too much to drink is barely enough” It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was experimenting with the absinthes available in the United States, and thought “why not write a review of what’s out there. And why not write it will drinking it?” Seven or eight years later, […]
Prithee WGN’s Salem, forgive me, for I confess I was wrong
In which the author issues a rare apology When I heard that WGN was making a series based on the Salem witch hysteria, I was skeptical. Then I saw the previews. I decided on the spot I’d rather eat my own swill than watch it. The events that happened at Salem were horrifying. The more […]
Top 4 elegantly creepy places to spend the night with ghosts in the midwest
Haunted hotels, bed and breakfasts with ghosts … there are countless places to spend a spooky night across the country. Let’s face it, ghosts don’t appear on schedule and usually not at all. So if you’re spending the night someplace spooky, it should be somewhere full of stories, comfort and ideally, a well stocked bar […]
So I got stoned and ended up watching the debate …
I had a fresh buzz on, realized it was time to eat and was just about to sit down with it when I remembered … the debate. It was just starting and I only intended on giving it a few minutes. I finished supper and was working on a beer, when I started getting into […]
Datura unfolding in the witch’s garden
This is my first year for growing Datura. Around here it’s known as Jimson Weed, though I believe what they call that here is a different animal altogether. It’s one of the staples of a witch’s garden, used for poisoning as well as inducing delirious states in whoever takes it. Intentionally or simply because they […]
The first of July, and a nocturnal visit to the witch’s garden
Wild Bergamot in the Witch’s Garden, July 1, 2016 It’s July 1 and the beginning of the heat. The first good crop of weeds are threatening to overtake the witch’s garden. But in betwixt the weeds there are treasures to be found. The wild Bergamot is from a couple of years ago in an overgrown […]